In HPLC analysis, the column heater is used to control the temperature of the column in order to get an exact result. The HT series column heater, with original Japanese temperature controllers and sensors, a PID intelligent self-stabilising function and TPC heating element, has enhanced product longevity and reliability.
HPLC Column Heater x1, Power Cable x1, Instruction Manual x1
When the mobile phase flows into the degasser via its entrance, it works to continuously remove dissolved gas from the mobile phase, thereby eliminating flow instabilities and noisy, drifting baselines. Our degassers use advanced gas/liquid separation technology with imported sensors. The pump is equipped with auto-start capabilities. The standard attachment and the pipeline allow it to connect with any HPLE system.
63-66 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8LE Company number: 13845978 VAT: 409746571
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