The concentration of samples is a mandatory step in sample analysis, with uses in chemistry laboratories, forensic science, material science, environmental sciences, etc. Parallel evaporators ensure that several samples are simultaneously heated, depressurised and rotated to completely evaporate them or concentrate to a specific volume. These machines do not require supervision, increasing experimental efficiency, precision and repeatability.
Rapid, independent valve switching on our HPE-B series models means any sample can be manipulated in isolation, allowing for multiple experiments with different time restraints to run simultaneously without interruption.
Clear test tubes allow for a full, unobstructed view of each sample. End points for the experiment can be set manually with the timer, or automatically with the concentration quantification function (HPE-A/D series only).
Accurately control the temperature, rate of rotation and time of the experiment using our full touch-screen controls, complete with complex temperature gradient settings and experimental data storage.
Each sample is sealed with its own heated cover, enabling continuous solvent evaporation whilst preventing cross-contamination via reflux condensation.
Vacuum control systems are vital in the evaporation, distillation, crystallisation and drying processes of chemical, biological or pharmaceutical research. They are perfect companions for our parallel evaporators.
Image-based, touch-screen 7-inch display allows for simplified human-computer interactions and shows detailed live information about the current temperature, pressure and concentration of the samples.
Our system allows for fine adjustment at the vacuum level with 5-stage gradient control.
63-66 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8LE Company number: 13845978 VAT: 409746571
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